From 2014 to 2019 Dr. Loren Lerner, Professor of Art History at Concordia University in Montreal taught a course "City of Jerusalem: Images and Ideas" on the art and architecture of Jerusalem. Each year the best essays and works of arts by the students were published online in the Jerusalem Art History Journal: An Undergraduate eJournal/Histoire de l’art à Jérusalem : cyberrevue étudiante de premier. In 2019, Lerner turned the in-class lectures into PowerPoint with Voice lectures and placed them online. As a tribute to the students in Lerner's class this virtual exhibition developed in 2021 features twenty-two artworks and text excerpts selected from the journal.
The Jerusalem Art History Journal: An Undergraduate eJournal/Histoire de l’art à Jérusalem : cyberrevue étudiante de premier cycle considers different attachments to Jerusalem through visual perceptions and artistic representations at the religious, social and political levels. Its focus is on the multifaceted narratives, allegiances, and ideas of the city's history covering ancient times, the Roman and Byzantine periods, the Arab, Crusader and Mamluk periods, and the years under Ottoman, British Mandate, Jordan/Israeli and Israeli rule. Of central importance is the visual imagery of the real and imagined Jerusalem in the art and architecture created by different communities over thousands of years.
The journal contains papers about the art, architecture, archaeological sites, and urban spaces of Jerusalem and works of art by student artists, reflecting responses to this ancient city as a site of major world religions, competing histories, and diverse socio-political perspectives.
Jerusalem: Ideas and Images
Jerusalem: Ideas and Images is a virtual exhibition that features twenty-two artworks and text excerpts by the artists in Dr. Loren Lerner's Art History course on Jerusalem taught at Concordia University in Montreal from 2014 to 2019. The selections are from the Jerusalem Art History Journal: An Undergraduate eJournal/Histoire de l’art à Jérusalem : cyberrevue étudiante de premier. Each of the artists creatively worked with unique parts of Jerusalem’s history, spirituality, geography, and people. The result is an artistic mosaic reflecting the real-life diversity and complexity of one of the world’s most multifaceted cities. It is my hope that these works, spanning artistic mediums, subject matter, and emotions, will give viewers a greater appreciation of, and interest in, the ideas and images of Jerusalem.
Noa Ogilvy, exhibition curator and designer, September 15, 2021.
Click here to access the virtual exhibition
City of Jerusalem: Images and Ideas
A course developed by Loren Lerner, and available to the public. For use as course curriculum worldwide, permission must be granted by Loren Lerner
Course Description
Over the centuries, Jerusalem has been called Shalem, Yerushalayim, City of Melchizedek, City of the Great King or City of David, prototype of the Heavenly Jerusalem, Bayt al-Maqdis or al-Quds, and City of Peace. My lectures consider these different attachments to Jerusalem through visual perceptions and artistic representations at the religious, social, and political levels. They examine Jerusalem's multifaceted religious narratives, allegiances, and believers’ ideas since the time of the Hebrew Bible. Beginning with the Bronze Age and the First and Second Temple periods, these lectures cover the city's history: the Roman period, Byzantine Jerusalem, the Arab, Crusader, and Mamluk periods, the years under Ottoman rule (1517-1917), the British Mandate (1917-1948), Jerusalem's division and reunification (1948-1967), and Israel today.
Click here to access the course lectures
2019 Vol.05
Loren Lerner, Editor-in-chief
Tara Ng, Guest editor
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Archaeology of Belief
Archéologie et croyance
The Circle, the Stone
Benjamin Clément
The Importance of Smiling at the Western Wall
Duane Drover
Breaking Dawn
Wendy Jasmin
Goddess Worship in the Ancient Near East
Mara Lane
Illustrating the Crusader Presence on the Temple Mount
Nicole Lin
Sites of Memory and Reflection
Sites de souvenir et de réflexion
How Works of Art Address and Attempt to Resolve
the Conflict of Jews and Christians
Jennifer Abboud
Artists in the Archive: Christian Boltanski, Dana Levy, and Michal Rovner in Discourse with Jewish Histories
Delaney Ryan
Christian Dialectic Materialism in the Via Dolorosa:
An Artwork and an Essay
Charlotte Scott
The First Mosque of Quebec and My Family Ties:
A Photo Essay
Nayyara Shabbir
Faces Imagined and Real
Visages réels et imaginés
Pilgrims, Prescriptions, and Pictures, Oh My! Examining Art On the Topic of Jerusalem Syndrome Inside and Outside of the Holy City
Abigail Gordon
Trace: Facing the Impact of Iconography in Jerusalem
Sabrina Ghaya
Tattoos as the Reaffirmation of Christian Faith
Eleni Speal
Jerusalem of Gold
Noa Ogilvy
Configurations of Conflict
Configurations d'un conflit
Escape Goat
Agnes Dakroub
Vertical Horizons: Territorial Shifts in the Work of Vera Tamari and Mona Hatoum
Alisa Haugen-Strand
The Paradox of Belief
Clayton Ross
The Roots of the Resilience: Navigating the Relationships between Jerusalem, Israel, Palestine, and the Olive Tree
Antonio Verdicchio
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2017 Vol.04
Loren Lerner, Editor-in-chief
Tara Ng, Guest editor
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Tradition and Innovation
Tradition et innovation
Cross of Sibyl of Anjou
Robert Habachi
East and West Dichotomy of the Stavelot Triptych
Aakruti Patel
Mamluk Ceramics: Distinct China
Andrea Lemieux
Celestial Globes in Islamic Culture:
The Intersection of Science and Religious Beliefs
Maude Fontaine-Brossard
Ethiopia's Rich and Illustrious Cultural History,
and the Legend of Menelik I
Daouda Ka
Religion, Politics and Art
Religion, politique et art
Dialogue de représentations :
les croisades vues
par les Arabes
Anna Priot
The Crown of a Christian Crusader Queen:
Reimagining Melisende's Crown
Caledonia Dionne
Paths of Paradise (Nahj al-faradis)
Réjane Mercier
Reappropriation of the Holy City and Virtual Pilgrimages to Jerusalem Displayed by Modern
and Crusader Maps
Margaréta Hanna Pintér
From the Peregrinatio in terram sanctam
to Televangelism
Sherry Babadjanov
In Search of the Sacred
À la recherche du sacré
Saint Joseph's Oratory, Revelations Analysis
and Project Creation
Aaron Butler
A Secular Pilgrimage to Montreal's Lord of Song:
An Examination of Dualities in Art, Life and Lyrics
Eden Frost
The Leafs: A Canadian's Ruined Temple
Alexander Miller
Le fil du temps
Trang Phan
Bridging the Earthly and Heavenly Realms
Jeter un pont entre le monde terrestre et le royaume céleste
Paméla Simard
'Alam al-Din Qaysar's Celestial Globe and Anish Kapoor's Turning the World Upside Down:
Their Intricate and Complex Correlations
Stephanie Dallaire
A Knight of the d'Aluye Family
Jade De Bruto
The Golden Gate: The Gate of Mystery;
the Gate
of the Faithful
Maryse Monfette
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2016 Vol.03
Loren Lerner, Editor-in-chief
Tara Ng and Kimberly Glassman, Guest editors
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A Journey to Jerusalem
Un voyage à Jérusalem
Heavenly Jerusalem as the City of God:
Representations through Illuminated Manuscripts of Saint Augustine's Theology of the Two Cities
Georges-Étienne Carrière
Muhammad's Night Journey: Comic Visual Exploration through a Western Perspective
Gabby Orellana
Armenian Illuminations: Strange Connections
between Nations
Alyag Malkhassian
How to Loot a Work of Art
Jasmine Kanter
Jerusalem: A Multi-Layered City through the Work of Jay Ginsherman
Louis Angot
Chronicles of a Naive Backpacker in Jerusalem
Florence Seymour-Provencher
New Jerusalems and Public Art Interventions :
A Changing Landscape
Les nouvelles Jérusalem et les interventions en art public :
un contexte en pleine évolution
The Promised Land: Aksum, Ethiopia and the Ark of the Covenant
Shawn Contant
The Grand Lodge of Quebec: A Freemasonic Appropriation of Solomon's Temple as Symbol of Jerusalem
Cynthia Catel
Stone and Glass: Chihuly in the Light of
Jerusalem 2000
Michelle Sones
Anish Kapoor: Revealing the Dirty Corners of Society's Prejudices
Sasha Killalea
On Liminality and the Performance of Space:
Allan Kaprow's Fluids at the Temple Mount
Djamina Victor
Hirophany : A Return Home
La hiérophanie : un retour au bercail
Hierophany and Heavenly Jerusalem
Nicole Adama
Sabr: Mapping Palestinian Memory and Resistance
Karen Boyles
Culture of the Stone
Isabel Devine-Carter
I Now Pronounce You God and Jerusalem: An Analysis of the Ketubah and Its Relationship with the Holy City
Kimberly Glassman
Thoughts on Nostalgia, Melancholia and
Mourning in Lifta
Amélie Elizabeth Pelly
A Shared Jerusalem: Commonalities and Differences
Une Jérusalem partagée : points communs et différences
Jerusalem: Voice of God
Santino Ciarma
Planting Religions: An Artwork
Melodie Ratelle
The Role of Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity: Doctrine, Ceremony and Art
Erin Wilson
In between Hope and Lament: Allegories through Modern Art
Adélaïde Ménard-Tremblay
Sigalit Landau et Raeda Saadeh: Étude écoféministe comparative entre une artiste israélienne et palestinienne
Amélie Rondeau Poliquin
Peace and Chaos in the Holy Land: Research Creation
Deanna Hewitt
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2015 Vol.02
Loren Lerner, Editor-in-chief
Stéphanie Hornstein, Sarah Amarica, Guest editors
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Threefold: Past Strife and Possible Unity
Le conflit ou l'union à trois
Jerusalem Manuscripts and Their Religious Pluralism
Valérie Hénault
Balance is Golden: Facets of Jerusalem in
Jewellery Design
Kristina Parker
Light Prevails: A Work about Conflict and Hope
Angelina Rosa Smedley
Villa Dolorosa
John William Lanthier
Islamic Art: Looking at Islamic Patterns
and Prayer Rugs
Sylvia Trotter Ewens
Acknowledging the Honourable Dead: The Victims behind the Holocaust and Nanjing Massacres
Yuwei Zhu
Bridging the Divide
Talia Govoni
Constructs and Constructions
Le langage de l'architecture
Text as Symbolic Form: An Epigraphic Approach to the Umayyad Dome of the Rock
Tom Collins
Jerusalem: A Case Study of the Perception of Aesthetics in Architecture
Ania Barbara Jodzio
Transcendence and Protection: The Whirling Dome
Emilie Lefebvre
Changing Symbolism of the Wailing Wall
Tyler O'Donohue
Jerusalem's History of Print
Ashley Forbes
This is Jerusalem: Particularities and Problems
Voici Jérusalem : particularités et enjeux
Jerusalem: A Water Crisis
Daniel Abrams
The Shadow Citizens of Jerusalem
Lucy Cariou
Dirt Castle: An Investigation of Colonialism Today
Érika Circé-Perrault
Changes in Iconography and Ideology
Jessica Pelletier
Underground Jerusalem
Dominique Camps
I am Jerusalem: Personifying the City
Je suis Jérusalem : une ville à personnifier
Je suis Jérusalem et neutre
Marie-Pier Favreau-Chalifour
The Face of Jerusalem
Christopher Johnstone
A Digital Pilgrimage to the Holy City: An Art Series
Shannon Pomeroy
Reflected to Depict My Imagined Old and New Jerusalem
Tessa Charlebois
Contemporary Artistic Investigations
Démarches artistiques contemporaines
Anselm Kiefer's Next Year in Jerusalem (2010)
and the Symbolic Holy City
Sarah Amarica
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2014 Vol.01
Loren Lerner, Editor-in-chief
Mark Clintberg, Elise Bonnette, Lucile Pages, Copy-editing
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Visions and Realities
Visions et réalités
Design for an Ideal Starlight
Anna Campbell
The Artistic Apocalypse:
Three Religious Depictions of the End of Days
Amanda Charlebois
Exploration picturale de la superposition des cultures sur le mont du temple
Rachel Morneau-Hébert
Jerusalem Belongs to No One and Everyone
Patrick Martel
Three Religions, Three Sacred Sights
Eduardo Mazzonna
Jérusalem, le cœur du monde
Élise Peters
Christian Hagia Polis Hierosolyma
Hagia Polis Hierosolyma : la ville sainte des chrétiens
The Illuminated Manuscript:
Representation of the Crusades for Jerusalem
Chloé Bergeron
Immaculate Mary: A Reflection on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Tomb of the Virgin in the Kidron Valley, Jerusalem
Elsbeth Cossar
Jerusalem Syndrome: A Photo Essay
Sara Graorac
Roman Attitudes Towards Jerusalem:
Titus and Constantine
Gabrielle Montpetit
Representations of Jesus in Early Christian Art
Samantha Wexler
Histoire d'Esme: An Imagined Story of a Ten-year Old Pilgrim to Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century
Faith Wiley
Dominus Flevit: Reconciling Relics, Historical and
Biblical Narrative through Christianity
Xin-yun Zhang
Muslim Al Quds
al-Quds : la Jérusalem des musulmans
Al-Masjid al-Aqsa: The Underappreciated Third Holiest Islamic Site
Ellen Belshaw
Lady Tunshuq's Palace: A Lasting Legacy of Mamluk Modernization
Bronwyn Carmichael
The Dome of the Rock
Ketan Patel
A Study of Islamic Geometric Tile Design
Stephanie Raudsepp
Urban Spaces and Constructed Identities
Espaces urbains et identités construites
Bridging the Divide: JR and Marco's Face2Face Project and Israel-Palestine Separation Wall
Veronica Della Foresta
Preserving the Zion Gate:
The Role of Conservation in the Middle East
Anne-Marie Guerin
Jerusalem through the Eyes of Armenian Photographers: Garabed Krikorian, Johannes Krikorian, and Elia Kahvedjian
Herag Herkelian
Vincent Mercier
Israeli Archaeology in Jerusalem:
National Heritage, Identity, and Partiality
Charlotte Parent
Israeli and Palestinian Artists
Artistes israéliens et palestiniens
Étude comparative des œuvres photographiques de David Rubinger à deux moments de sa vie
Alison Beaulieu-Sherping
Mona Hatoum: Alluringly Near and Devastatingly Far
Marie Chaumont
Symbols and Motifs: Depictions of the Heavenly Realm in Mordecai Ardon's At the Gates of Jerusalem
Valerie Gauthier
Expressing Exile as a Shared Experience:
The Work of Steve Sabella
Stéphanie Hornstein
From the Depths of the Matrixial Sea: Reviving Loss and Memory in Contemporary Israeli Art
Braden Scott
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Vol.05 | Vol.04 | Vol.03 | Vol.02 | Vol.01 |
Jerusalem Journal.
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